Sunday, November 30, 2008

My K-Mart Double Coupon deals ( $39.94 worth of merchandise for $6.96 + tax)

Well, I made a quick trip to Kmart tonight and the one thing that I really wanted to get was already sold out, (the Gillette Body Wash). They were also out of the Pledge and Endust that I had planned to get. I was told by customer service that they will be restocking everything tomorrow, so maybe I'll get everything else then. My trip wasn't a total waste though, I did manage to snatch up a few other things:

Vaseline Men's body/face lotion - $2.99 - $1.50 cpn dbld = FREE

Olay 4 bars for $4.00 - $2.00 cpn dbld = FREE (I grabbed the last 2 packs and gave one of my cpns to my mom to get her the 2nd pack)

2 Fixodent denture adhesives @$4.49/ each = $8.98 - $2/2 cpn dbld = $4.98 for 2

Tylenol caplets $3.99 - $2 cpn dbld = FREE

3 pkgs (30 count) Hall's cough drops 3/$4 - 3 (0.50 cpns) dbld = $1.00 for 3 pkgs

2 Oust surface and air sprays $2.99 each = $5.98/2 - 2 ($1.50 cpns) dbld = Free

2 boxes Kellogg's Fruit Loops 2/$5.00 - 2 $1.00 cpns dbld = $1.00/2

2 boxes Kellogg's Rice Krispies Choco/vanilla 2/$5.00 - 2 $1cpns dbld = $1.00/2

Total before cpns = $39.94
Total OOP = $6.96 = $1.14 tax = $8.10

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